
8MCD Logo
8th Marine Corps District
Fort Worth, Texas

8th Marine Corps District Safety Officer
Maj. Morgan Servera
P: (817) 782-6749

8th Marine Corps District Representative
GySgt. Damien Davis
P: (817) 782-6750


Don't be ashamed to be the Designated Driver and/or Key Master.

Along with the better weather, spring and summer bring many of us opportunities to gather with family and friends and engage in various warm weather sports on and sometimes off land.  BBQ’s, alcohol, and water sports often play a big part in the typical warmer weather festivities that make for memorable good times, but if a person has disregarded safety, the potential for a mishap to occur can be extremely high. While we come together at these events, we must remain vigilant and ensure that all necessary measures have been taken to prevent you or a loved one from causing an injury or death due to carelessness or a disregard for safety.  Please be safe and please don’t drink and drive. 

The following are precautionary measures for activities to keep you safe this spring/summer:

BBQ Safety

  • Keep your children away from the grilling/cooking area.

  • Always use the proper lighting fluid—NO gasoline.

  • Have a plan ready for out of control fires.

  • Ensure you BBQ in a well ventilated area—avoid cooking out in unapproved/unsafe areas (i.e. apartment balcony, porch).

  • For Propane cookers—open grill cover before lighting. Ensure valve is shut off after use and gas in the lines burns out.

Water Safety

  • Keep your children in FULL VIEW when swimming

  • Limit alcohol when participating in water sports or activities.

  • Look before you leap—know your swimming area.

  • Beware of rip currents—if caught in one, swim parallel to the shore.

  • Never swim alone—always let someone know where you are going.

  • Wear proper safety floatation devices when participating in water sports or activities.

  • When boating, keep away from swimming areas. Know your route.

Recreational Safety

  • Start with a warmup—stretch out to prevent pulled muscles.

  • Conduct continuous hydration—limit alcohol while in the heat.

  • Dress appropriately and use sunscreen.

Headquarters Marine Corps Safety