
Recruiting Station Salt Lake City
Sergeant Major Carlos A. Perez

Sergeant Major Carlos Andres Perez enlisted in the Marine Corps and attended basic training at MCRD, San Diego, CA in June 2003. He subsequently attended Marine Combat Training (MCT) at the School of Infantry-West, Camp Pendleton, CA followed by Marine Artillery Scout Observers Course at Ft Sill, OK. In December 2003, he was promoted to the rank of Private First Class. In March 2004, he attended his follow-on school, Shore Fire Control Party Course, Coronado, CA, earning the primary MOS of 0861, Fire Support Man. 
In April 2004, he reported to 1st Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (ANGLICO), Camp Pendleton, CA for duty as a Fire Support Man. In June 2004, he was promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal and in July 2005, he was promoted to the rank of Corporal. In September 2005, he deployed to Ramadi in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. Upon return, he started the training work up for a second combat deployment. In September 2006, he returned to Ramadi and was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in December 2006.
In July 2007, Sergeant Perez reported to Marine Combat Instructors Course (MCIC), School of Infantry-West where he earned the additional MOS of 0913. He was then assigned to Company I, MCT Battalion. During this time, he served as a squad instructor, platoon sergeant, and platoon commander. He also completed a rotation to Student Administrative Company, Headquarters Battalion where he served in the Separations Section, Legal Platoon. He was promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant in July 2009. 
Upon completing a successful tour as a Combat Instructor, Staff Sergeant Perez reported to 1st Battalion, 10th Marine Regiment, Camp Lejeune, NC where he served as the Battalion's Fire Support Chief. In January 2011, he executed temporary additional duty orders to 1st Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment and deployed to Helmand Province in support of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM as the Battalion's Fire Support Chief. Upon redeployment, he returned to his parent command where he again served as the Battalion's Fire Support Chief. He was promoted to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant in March 2013. 
In July 2013, Gunnery Sergeant Perez reported to 5th Battalion, 14th Marine Regiment, Seal Beach, CA. There, he was assigned as a member of the Inspector-Instructor staff as the Fire Support Chief. 
In June 2016, Gunnery Sergeant Perez reported to 12th Marine Regiment, Okinawa, Japan to serve as the Assistant Fire Support Chief for the 3d Marine Division Fire Support Coordination Center. In October 2016, he was selected to deploy as an individual augment in support of OPERATION INHERENT RESOLVE as a Fire Support subject matter expert. He returned to his normal duties in May 2017.
In February 2018, he was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant and reported for duty with 3d Intelligence Battalion and served as the Company First Sergeant for Headquarters Company and Operations Company. In January 2020, First Sergeant Perez completed the Navy Senior Enlisted Academy where he graduated as the class honor graduate. In September 2020, he reported to 3d Landing Support Battalion to serve as the Headquarters and Services Company First Sergeant. 
In May 2022, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant Major and reported for duty at Recruiting Station Salt Lake City to serve as the Sergeant Major. 
Sergeant Major Perez's personal awards include the Joint Service Commendation Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with one gold star in lieu of second award, Navy Marine Corps Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, and Combat Instructor Ribbon. He has also completed a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration through the American Military University.