SgtMaj Contreras is a native of Los Angeles, California. She enlisted in the Marine Corps in October 1998, she attended recruit training at Paris Island Recruit Depot.
Upon completion of training she attended Marine Combat Training Camp Lejeune and subsequently sent to Fort Eustis Virginia, 3112 Transportation Specialist.
In May 1999, She reported to Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, CA served as the Traffic Management Passenger Section as the NCOIC. She was meritoriously promoted to the rank Private 1st Class and Corporal during this tour.
In December 2002, SgtMaj Contreras reported to Marine Security Guard School upon graduation she reported to her first posting in American Embassy The Hague Netherlands and served as a Marine Security Guard. She was promoted to the rank of Sergeant during this tour. In May 2003, she reported to her second posting in American Embassy San Salvador, El Salvador served as a Marine Security Guard served as the detachment Spanish translator. In October 2003, she reported to her third posting in American Embassy Quito, Ecuador served as Assistant Detachment Commander Marine Security Guard and received a Navy Achievement Medal for a completion of successful tour on special duty assignment.
In June of 2004, SgtMaj Contreras reported to MWHS-3 3D MAW G2 as Intelligence Specialist and reported to Damneck, Virginia for MAGTF Intelligence specialist school 0231. She was augmented to 1st Intelligence Battalion and deployed for Operation Iraqi Freedom and served Battle Space Team Denver as the Intelligence Chief during this tour was promoted to the rank SSgt. She redeployed in 2006 as the Tactical Air Command Control Intelligence Officer in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. In June 2007 reported to HMLA-267 to serve as the squadron's Intelligence Chief. In 2008 SgtMaj Contreras reported to HMLA-369 and redeployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom as the squadron's Intelligence Chief during this tour was promoted to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant.
In 2009, SgtMaj Contreras reported to III MEF G2 and served as the Intelligence Future Operations chief and deployed to Korea and Thailand.
In 2011 she reported to 1st Intelligence Battalion and deployed for 12 month tour to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
Upon returning from deployment SgtMaj Contreras was selected to the rank as 1stSgt and reported to Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Headquarters Battalion, Bravo Company 1stSgt.
In 2014 1stSgt Contreras reported to Combat Logistics Battalion and served as the Headquarters and Service Company 1stSgt. She then took over Transportation Services Company and was selected to the rank of SgtMaj.
In December 2017 SgtMaj reported to Recruiting Station Twin Cities as the command SgtMaj.
In March 2021 SgtMaj Contreras reported to Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron-24 to serve as the Squadron Sergeant Major.
In February of 2023 SgtMaj Contreras report to the 8th Marine Corps District to serve as the District SgtMaj.
Her awards include Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with 4 stars in lieu of 5th award and Navy Marine Corps Achievement Medal with 4 gold stars in lieu of 5th