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Lance Cpl. Bryson Bosch, who was recruited out of Recruiting Substation Metro East, Recruiting Station Denver, stands with his mother, Nikki Bosch, after his graduation ceremony at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, Calif. April 6, 2018. Bosch was the company Honor Graduate of Charlie Company, a distinction that earned him his meritorious promotion to lance corporal.

Photo by Courtesy Photo

Colorado native earns distinction of Marine Corps Company Honor Graduate

9 May 2018 | Sgt. Benjamin Pryer 8th Marine Corps District

Approximately 17,800 young men graduate from Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego each year. Out of those, one Marine per graduating company can earn the distinction of Company Honor Graduate. Lance Cpl. Bryson Bosch, who was recruited out of Recruiting Substation Metro East, Recruiting Station Denver, was the Company Honor Graduate for Charlie Company on April 6, 2018.

After enduring the 13-week challenge that is Marine Corps Recruit Training, Bosch proved to be an exceptional example of the Marine Corps' core values of honor, courage, and commitment.

"I could not be more proud," said Nikki Bosch, mother of Lance Cpl. Bryson. "He performed phenomenally and did everything I expected and more. He made friends and learned to work as a team. He's so young, but he has found what he wants to do."

Lance Cpl. Bosch graduated from Cherry Creek High School in 2017. Bosch joined the Marine Corps Delayed Entry Program June 1, 2017. The purpose of the DEP is to prepare young men and women for the rigors of Marine Corps boot camp. While in the DEP, future Marines will be trained physically, mentally and morally. He spent 221 days in the DEP, where he was molded by his recruiters, Gunnery Sgts. Gipper and Stokes, to become the model recruit, and Marine he is today.

Being the Company Honor Graduate also came with a meritorious promotion to lance corporal, since Bosch already earned a meritorious promotion to Private First Class by supplying two referrals to his recruiters. These promotions provide increased salary, rank and level of responsibility to Bosch, while also setting him on track for an incredibly successful career.

Nikki mentioned that while the military was not originally what she had in mind for her son, the process of joining the Marine Corps has shown her that Bryson found a career path he was passionate about.

"When he decided he wanted to go into the Marines, I was pretty resistant," said Nikki. "My plan was for him to go to college. He's an honor student and incredibly bright and talented. I was not on board with the military, or at least wanted him to go to college first and become an officer, but he was steadfast on enlisting. What I realized is that these kids are young, they're 17, 18, 19 years old. They do have some growing up to do, and the military is probably one of the better places for them to continue to learn and develop. They have good mentors and people who are showing them ethical, moral values, and teaching them to be strong and independent. They're not always going to get that in college or going straight to work."

Since Bryson joined at 17, his parents had to give permission in order for him to complete his processing into the Marine Corps.

"It was a very challenging time and I didn't think he was mature enough to make this decision," said Nikki. "But I realized he was so passionate about it that it would have crushed him for me to hold him back."

Nikki mentioned that she believes the way Bryson has handled challenges in his life is what set him up for success throughout recruit training.

"I think Bryson has been through a lot, there's been some really hard times, and I think that instead of taking all those situations into negative directions, he has dug deep and turned all of that energy and frustration into something positive and managed to somehow make the best of it," said Nikki. "It's in his character, he's a second degree black belt in Taekwondo, the first chair in the marching band. He's always been in a leadership position. He knew he needed that structure, so this is naturally in line with where he thrives."

Having just started his Marine Corps career, Nikki said she is excited for all the opportunities open to her son in the Marine Corps, and career paths he can take after his time in service. Being an infantryman, Lance Cpl. Bosch will be attending the School of Infantry in Camp Pendleton, California.

"My hope is that he finds good strong mentors who recognize his talents and what he has to offer and he is guided into those leadership positions where he can use his intelligence and strong characteristics," said Nikki. "I know that whatever he ends up dong, he will be successful."

While any mother will always be concerned about the safety of her children, Nikki mentioned that having her son in the Marine Corps does provide confidence that he will stay safe.

"I'm a mom, the military can be dangerous, and these are tough and unpredictable times," said Nikki. "I feel that of all of the branches of the military, I'm really grateful he chose the Marine Corps. I know the Marines don't mess around and that everything is very disciplined. I feel like he's in the best place he could be and he's surrounded by people who are going to have his back."

Lance Cpl. Bosch's successes are a direct reflection of the dedication of his upbringing, education, and the dedication of the recruiters at Recruiting Substation Metro East, who prepared him for recruit training. RSS Metro East is located at 14177 E Exposition Ave, Aurora Colorado, 80012. Their office can be reached at (303) 340-3700.